Help Us Conserve Anne Arundel County’s Special Places

Your support helps us conserve more land faster.

We Protect Anne Arundel County’s Land and Water

Scenic Rivers Land Trust is dedicated to protecting the forests, wetlands, farmlands and other open spaces that make Anne Arundel County special.

We use conservation easements to protect our natural and scenic lands from development and facilitate financial incentives for property owners who conserve their land.

Protecting our lands protects our waters

Sign up to learn how you can support Scenic Rivers' mission to protect Anne Arundel County’s land and water and receive the latest updates on our work.

Our Impact


years of service to the community


conservation easements


acres of land protected

$0+ million

awarded in recent years to protect property

Landowner Testimonial

Landowner: Patricia Melville

Property: 53.4 acres of open fields, woodlands, tidal marsh and emergent wetlands in Lothian, Md.

My husband and I purchased the land because it had a combination of open and forested areas. The marsh along the creek was an added bonus. I especially appreciate the variety of habitat so necessary for wildlife, especially birds. The land provides spaces for walking, birding, and bird banding.

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