
Mission and Goals

Scenic Rivers Land Trust is dedicated to protecting forests, wetlands, farmlands and other open spaces in Anne Arundel County. We work with landowners and other partners to conserve natural and scenic areas through landowner education and by holding and facilitating land protection agreements.

We work within the Herring Bay, Bodkin Creek, and the Severn, South, Patuxent, Patapsco (within Anne Arundel County), Rhode and West River watersheds. To date, Scenic Rivers holds over 75 conservation easements across Anne Arundel County, totaling more than 3,700 acres—or about one percent of county land.


Our Goals

We are always working to protect more land faster with a goal of conserving at least two percent of county land. We work toward this goal by:

  • Identifying, monitoring and protecting priority natural areas in eight watersheds: Herring Bay, Bodkin Creek, and the Severn, South, Patuxent, Patapsco (within Anne Arundel County), Rhode, and West River watersheds;
  • Educating landowners, community leaders, and public officials about voluntary techniques for protecting and conserving land;
  • Accepting and managing conservation easements for the permanent protection of land; and
  • Assisting in the protective stewardship of our natural resources.


Our Governance

Scenic Rivers is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors that is representative of our focus watershed areas. The Board of Directors meets every other month in Annapolis. Scenic Rivers employs key staff and relies on volunteer support from a variety of experts in the land trust and management fields.

We work cooperatively with the Maryland Environmental Trust as an authorized partner. As a partner organization, MET provides incredible expertise and mentoring, and their presence as a co-holder on larger easements offers landowners additional state tax credits.

As a nationally accredited land trust, Scenic Rivers is also in compliance with the Standards and Practices of the national Land Trust Alliance.

We are supported by donations from individuals and corporations and grants from public and private foundations.