2024 Walk for the Woods Sponsorship Opportunities
Event Date: Saturday, April 27, 2024 (rain date April 28)
Sponsorship Deadline: Friday, March 22, 2024
Scenic Rivers Land Trust is pleased to offer sponsorship opportunities for the19th annual Walk for the Woods scheduled for Saturday, April 27, 2024, at Bacon Ridge Natural Area in Crownsville.
Our partners Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks will join us in offering a wonderful opportunity to hike and explore this beautiful wilderness just minutes from downtown Annapolis.
We anticipate another beautiful day in our local, protected woods!
Bacon Ridge Natural Area’s 1,000+ acres are graced with upland streams, lily-filled ponds, nesting birds, spring wildflowers, and 15+ miles of trails. Attendees will access the natural area via Farm Road (an access point typically not open to the public). Experts in wildlife, native plants, birds, history, and more will lead guided hikes throughout the day. Plus, a self-led hike will be offered, complete with trail maps and educational signage posted along the trails.
Your sponsorship of Walk for the Woods allows Scenic Rivers to continue to host this popular, FREE, family-friendly outdoor community event that typically brings more than 300 residents into our natural world. And, your sponsorship ensures that Scenic Rivers can continue conserving and protecting the open lands that are critical to our community’s future.
For over 35 years, Scenic Rivers has worked with landowners to permanently protect over 3,700 acres of land through conservation easements. Once such conservation agreements are in place, we assist landowners in the ongoing stewardship of their land. Our work safeguards critical wildlife habitat in the woodlands, protects the water quality of nearby streams and rivers, remembers and conserves historical sites, and preserves local farmland.
The community loves this event and we are certain that many will be eager to join us for a beautiful spring day outdoors. Sponsors will receive recognition through signage, shirts, word of mouth, and programmatic information. We hope that you, your family, coworkers, and friends can join us for a great Walk on Saturday, April 27th from 7 am to 3 pm.
If you have any questions about this event or Scenic Rivers Land Trust, please contact the Development & Communications Officer, Erin Valentine at 919-649-1727 or Erin@SRLT.org.
Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
For sponsorship opportunities above $1,000 see our Annual Sponsorship Program.
Wood Duck — $1,000
- Logo on event banner
- Logo on event directional sign
- Logo on event t-shirt
- Logo on event registration page
- Logo in April, May, and June
- e-newsletters
- Logo in event email marketing
- 3 Walk for the Woods t-shirts
Magnolia Warbler — $500
- Name on event banner
- Name on event t-shirt
- Name on registration page
- Name in April and May
- e-newsletters
- Name in event email marketing
- 2 Walk for the Woods t-shirts
Carolina Chickadee — $250
- Name on event banner
- Name on event t-shirt
- Name on registration page
- Name in April e-newsletter
- Name in event email marketing
- 1 Walk for the Woods t-shirt
Sign up to sponsor our 2024 signature event today!
Thank you to these 2023 Walk for the Woods Sponsors!
Osprey Sponsors
Paul & Maxine Frohring Foundation
Great Horned Owl Sponsor
The Mars Foundation
Wood Duck Sponsors
The Grandkids' Future
Phyllis Saroff
The Troy Family in Memory of Colby B. Rucker
Magnolia Warbler Sponsor
Carolina Chickadee Sponsors
Simply Stronger Yoga, Fitness and Massage Studio
The Waters Family in Memory of Rebecca R. Kolberg