2020 Annual Report Now Available Online
Scenic Rivers Annual Report reflects on making it through 2020
2020 was a tough year for everyone—some far more than others. While the prospect of normalcy beckoned for a short time this summer, we’re not even out of the woods yet! Still, when we look for gleams of hope and positivity after reading the news, we can reflect on 2020 and find that we are proud.
Above all, we are proud (and thankful!) that, even in tough times, Scenic Rivers’ dedicated community of supporters will come out in full force to advance land conservation. We ended 2020 a strong and stable organization because of you. We stepped into 2021 with solid footing and look forward to advancing land conservation further with you.
This annual report is a chance to reflect on the high points of last year, but most importantly, it’s an opportunity to say, “Thank you!” to the partners, supporters, and friends who made those successes possible. We can look back on 2020 with pride because of you.
Click here to check it out and see what you helped to accomplish.
Stay safe and stay healthy!