2022 Annual Report Now Available
Scenic Rivers’ Annual Report reflects on an year of big changes
If you’re reading this, you likely know that land conservation work can feel slow. Most often it takes years of connecting with landowners, applying for grant funding, completing baseline documentation, waiting for surveys and appraisals, and negotiating easement terms to place a property in conservation. Sometimes, it can feel like we’re making progress one inch at a time.
In the end, it’s always worth it to steadily ensure that more of our remaining natural and open lands are protected forever.
That’s why our end of 2022 felt especially exciting. In December, we accepted five conservation easements, totaling 224 acres, from Pasadena-based North County Land Trust.
When North County Land Trust first approached us about their plans to shut down, there was no question that we were ready and willing to take on the stewardship of the easements they had so carefully cultivated during their nearly 20 years in operation. (The Swan Creek Wetlands Conservation Area is a true gem!) We are so thankful for the work they’ve done in northern Anne Arundel County.
And, we’re thankful for this opportunity to expand our approach to conservation. The landscape of northern Anne Arundel County will need us to take on new types of projects from pocket parks to community gardens to water access points. We can’t wait!
Of course, Scenic Rivers was able to take on more easements and an expanded service area thanks to our incredible community of land conservation supporters—supporters like you.
In fact, your support made all of our 2022 highlights possible—from expanding our invasive plant program at Bacon Ridge Natural Area (now referred to as our Healthy Forests Program), to hiring our new Stewardship Coordinator, Evann Magee (an FAA-certified remote pilot), to collaborating with the county and the Maryland Environmental Trust on plans to conserve a portion of the Crownsville Hospital property.
This annual report is a chance for us to reflect on the accomplishments you helped us achieve in the last year. And to remind ourselves that the days can feel slow, but the years go by fast.
We have so much work to do. We’re so glad you’re here to help us get it done.
Thank you for your support and partnership as we work together to protect the natural and open lands we all love.
Click here to check it out and see what you helped accomplish.