Statement on The Village at Providence Point Conservation Easement Project
Scenic Rivers Land Trust’s mission is to work with landowners and other partners to conserve the natural and scenic areas of Anne Arundel County. We most often work with landowners who, under no obligation, voluntarily choose to place a conservation easement on their land.
Mas Que Farm is 123 acres of land with impressive scenic and ecological value. While it is unusual for Scenic Rivers to participate in the creation of a regulatory easement, where the landowner is required to conserve land because of development that will occur, when asked to consider holding the conservation easement on Mas Que Farm we were compelled to say “Yes” because of the outstanding quality of this property.
As the city and The Village at Providence Point developers work through the development application process, we look forward to continuing to consider playing a role in permanently protecting the farm and its forests forever (this easement has not been approved by Scenic Rivers’ board yet).